Review of Second Act

Second Act (2018)
Went in expecting one type of movie but left confused
23 December 2018
(trying to explain without spoilers)

Went in thinking this was gonna be your average RomCom with some cute jokes, but when my GF turned to me and questioned where they we're going with her rival co-worker storyline mins before the big reveal all I could think was...nooo they wouldn't go that route...but oh boy did they. After that, it turns into a totally different movie with a forced storyline that doesn't seem to fit the tone of the movie that they had been advertising and promoting. Totally takes you out of the movie watching groove and has you questioning what you were even watching. It's like they finished the movie, thought the jokes were flat, then tried to turn it into a family drama movie that takes itself way too seriously all of a sudden. The actors all have serviceable roles, but the story is almost unfollowable. It has it's entertaining moments but overall the movie is a jumbled mess that isn't sure what it wants to be or what story it wants to tell. Too many other better movies in this genre. You won't be missing much if you don't watch this movie.
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