Kitchen sink comedy
21 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPARROWS CAN'T SING is a kitchen sink comedy drama from the early 1960s, a film I'd never heard of before watching but one which turns out to provide fitting snapshot of the era. James Booth plays a sailor who returns home to find his home demolished (the clearing of the slums plays an important backdrop role here) and his wife Barbara Windsor gone. He proceeds to hunt for her, but this narrative takes a backseat to the various interactions between larger-than-life supporting characters. Much of it is played for laughs, with Windsor only slightly more serious than in her CARRY ON roles and Roy Kinnear providing plenty of chuckles. The supporting cast is quite extraordinary and packed to the brim with familiar faces. Surprisingly enough this was co-written by Stephen Lewis, who has a small role playing a familiar type of character for him.
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