Zoobilee Zoo (1986–1988)
Can't believe Peggy Charren and her Action for Children's Television openly endorsed this......
19 December 2018
OMG, where to begin? While it's one thing to expose children to the visual and performing arts, which I'm all for, but then again, just why did Hallmark and DIC (the very same people behind Inspector Gadget, the Littles, and the cheap Heathcliff remake), have to make it so baby-ish? The pastels used for the sets and costumes here are just so hideous, so embarrassingly god-awful, it's hard to believe who in their right mind would want to watch this drivel.

To the reviewer who thought this would be a better alternative to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, for crying out loud, DREAM ON, GET A LIFE. I have to admit, I absolutely don't care for He-Man and his stupid unnecessary moral messages either. But the way Hallmark and DIC try "to give you the very best in quality children's television programming" at the start of each episode, WHAT A TOTAL CROCK. Not only are they not at all being realistic, it's hard to believe if they're were playing with a full deck when they did this for that matter. Why couldn't Peggy Charren and her Action for Children's Television (ACT) group endorse REAL quality kids' shows like Square One Television, or the Wonderworks anthology series (they don't make kids' anthology shows anymore which is sad) both of which used to air on PBS? Or Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre, which was on HBO, but now available on DVD? All those held my interest where they actually fun and enjoyable to watch. Those were actual good shows that ACT had lobbied for all along, but with Zoobilee Zoo? PLEASE, COME ON. But oh well, at least Ms. Charren and ACT also endorsed 3-2-1 Contact: a Discussion about Sex (which is available on VHS), because they DO deserve the benefit of the doubt right there. But with a show like Zoobilee Zoo, WOW, DID THEY REALLY HIT AN ALL-TIME LOW, NO QUESTION 😝😝😝👎👎👎

One last postscript: if I want to watch kids' TV show performers in animal suits, I'll tune in to clips of the 1968 old-school Banana Splits off YouTube. Since I'm a 70's child born in 1972, that was one of my all-time favorites growing up, still is, even to this very day. I really can't help it if I'm biased, but I don't watch most TV shows past 1980, because I honestly can't help but feel most TV shows and cartoons are all downhill from there. Yes, I know I'm old-school, but I also like to march to my own drummer however and whichever way I like and see fit, only without Hollywood telling me what's en vogue and what isn't. (But then again, I don't always trust the judgment of Peggy Charren and her ACT group neither. Maybe some of the time, but 99% of the time, no way, ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, forget it. Yeah, sure, right, I know, you either love her or hate her, no two ways at all about it.)
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