42nd Street (1933)
Dancing in style
18 December 2018
Julian Marsh is broke because of the Wall Street Crash. In ill health the Broadway director wants to stage a hit show to get enough money to retire on.

Abner Dillon is the money man for the show. A rich older man who likes the perks of the casting couch and he wants his amorous ways with the star of the show, Dorothy Brock.

Dorothy leads the producer on but she has eyes for someone else. The night before the show, Dorothy breaks injures her ankle and Peggy Sawyer the chorus girl is elevated to the main role.

Thes story is now cliched, it was for the time risque, it is hinted some girls would do anything to get a role on the show.

What makes the film stand out and you have to wait a while for it is the Busby Berkeley choreographed musical numbers. Extravagantly staged sets and dances in a kaleidoscopic style with the use of overhead cameras.
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