Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
More crap from Kevin Sorbo with special guest Sean Hannity
15 December 2018
Did you ever see the movie "God's Not Dead"? Well, Kevin Sorbo plays the same exact character in this as he did there. In other words he's not playing an atheist, he's playing the strawman of an atheist as he believes they are. Both there, and here, he plays a man who is angry at God. Not a man that doesn't believe in God. Trust me. There's a difference.

Let me get this out of the way, I think Ksorbs is a fine actor. He's charismatic and he's able to deliver his lines more than adequately. the problem I have with this movie doesn't have anything to do with him and everything to do with how he's shown as an atheist as well as some of the other casting choices. His real life wife and real life children play those roles in this movie. But while Sam Sorbo, his wife, is good enough his kids can't act to save their lives. The oldest one literally doesn't show emotion at all. Except one smile later one. That's it.

And of course the elephant in the room is that this was produced by Sean Hannity who honestly gave a good performance playing Sean Hannity. So props to that. But the dialogue, the rest of the actors and the rest just make this movie a slog unless you happen to share the same views as the director and producer of this movie.

In the end, this isn't a movie that will change minds or hearts which is what Christian cinema really ought to be doing if they want to win souls for Jesus. This is a movie that the already converted will love because it speaks to them and the ones that aren't will just turn it off and watch reruns of "Hercules the Legendary Journey's" instead.
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