TA TA GRAB FOR THE WIN, Unpaid overtime and Unfair Working Conditions
15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You'll know it when you see it.

This movie started out like a fairly low budget, less than B grade movie( yes there are c grade movies, d and f grade, this seemingly a C grade at least). When SUDDENLY at the cannibal cave, things took a turn. This movie had a lot of dark humor, but peppered with an unbelievably naive protagonist with a heart of gold, in the body of a fat mister clean. The music got better, as did the plot as I was otrn between the seemingly normal on the outside family having "dinner" every night, to almost hating the perceived weakness of the victims. But whom would totally be ready for this kinda treatment? I really began to like the main lead, whom had a heart of gold, as well as the sour, dour and not much of a flowery gal pal that he met in the "dungeon" like basement of horrors, a la unt abattoir. Coupled with a cool kid that had more moxy than I ever expected, and some zany shots to really cement scenes into my brain as time went on, this was a pretty good movie overall. Really a sleeper and possible cult gem for the holiday season. No pun intended on the cult part. MERRY F'ed Up XMAS! 7/10 for a new movie favorite! ^~^
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