Nightmarish predictions, babysitting horrors, hand possession, and phantoms surprise.
10 December 2018
Episode One from Season Two contains four segments.

The first "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes" stars Clint Howard as a young boy who grows to fame due to the fact he can predict future occurrences. Earthquakes , people gone missing being discovered, etc. one day however he predicts something dark, and lets just put it like Serling so greatly quotes it in the opening sometime predicting the future isn't a gift as much as a nightmare. Interesting segment with a dark conclusion.

The second "Miss Lovecraft Sent Me" is the first of a series of comedic shorts that producer Jack Laird decided to put in the series. It has a babysitter going to a castle to watch the unseen child of a vampire couple. She's a little slow, but, finally gets that shes not watching anything human. Decent time waster.

The third "The Hand of Borgus Weems" has a desperate man seeking help from a surgeon when he finds one of his hands has developed a murderous mind of its own. He recounts his past history as the hand attempts to assault several people he came in contact with all with one connection. Fun creepy possession segment with a nice conclusion, probably my favorite of the bunch.

The fourth "Phantom of What Opera?" is yet another comedic sketch, this time centering around the famed phantom character. This time he discovers a twist to the beautiful young lady he's kidnapped. It's actually kinda amusing.

Overall good episode book ended by two good long stories.
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