The Flash: What's Past Is Prologue (2018)
Season 5, Episode 8
Time for a villain change
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What an incredible episode! I always expected a high quality episode being the 100th of the series (quite an accomplishment by the way), but I never expected it to be this awesome!

In order to stop Cicada, Barry and Nora go back in time and have interactions with all the previous seasons. Savitar, Zoom, and of course, Thawne; the star of the episode.

The best parts of this episode were the interactions between Nora and Thawne, and these moments felt too big to just be a one off. In fact, we find out at the end that it seems like Nora has been working with Thawne somehow. So please, please, please Flash writers, make Thawne the main villain of this season. I have enjoyed Cicada, but there's no denying that this seems like the perfect time to reintroduce Tom Cavanagh's Eobard Thawne for his second stint as the main villain. I thoroughly believe that if they go down this route, the back half of this season will rival both season 1 and 2.

Oh and P.S - Tom Cavanagh is awesome. Sherloque, Harry, Thawne and Dr Harrison Wells portrayed to perfection all in the one episode. Amazing.

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