House of Cards: Chapter 46 (2016)
Season 4, Episode 7
I've given the series as a whole a 9, but some episodes like this are quite poor
2 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So much of HoC is realistic, with just a bit of over the top hyperbole (say direct murders), that when an episodes makes multiple errors in basic details the sloppiness is jarring. such is the case with "Chapter 46" (S4, Episode 7).

Several in this episode are exactly the type of Hollywood nonsense such as errors concerning the military since it is unlikely to anyone making the show has any military experience. EG troop transports leaving for the Pacific in WWII never left from NY harbors. That would put them at sea for twice as long and exposed them to German U-boats, all units deployed to the pacific were transported across the US by train for west coast embarkation for this reason. Then we have Claire going off the rails on gun control. It has been a felon y for 30 years to "buy a gun over the internet" without a background check, since this has to be done with an FFL. In fact one of the heads of one of the gun control lobby organizations got four out of four Pinocchio's from the Washington Post for claiming it was legal. Just as a well known national reporter made a fool out f herself claiming she bought an AR-15 at a gun show "without a background check" when she did not realize the seller had conducted one. Claire shows great acumen dealing with the Russians but makes a fool out of herself with no command of the facts when talking about this issue publicly and private in the episode.

The issue of use of data mining and analytics also misses completely everything about what is legal and illegal about that. Deep mining of analytics predated the First Clinton Campaign, in fact the Dukakis campaign did it as has everyone since. Both Obama campaigns had issues with valuation of it as a contribution, as of course so did the Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns
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