Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia: And so the Ilsa saga ends
1 December 2018
Dyanne Thorne returns for the fourth and final movie in the Ilsa series but she doesn't exactly go out on a high.

Ilsa once again tortures, maims and torments innocents for her own peverse degenerate and evil reasons, all while under the guard of loyal troops whom she keeps in check with her womanly wiles. Arguably all four movies have the same plot, if not they are remarkably similiar.

The previous movies weren't great and this isn't the worst of the bunch, but it's a shame to see a franchise end on a very underwhelming note.

The plot is certainly not polished, the cast are hit and miss, Ilsa never really comes into her own like previous additions and in many respects it feels like it's been downgraded from an exploitation flick to something desperate and unnecessary. Sure you have the customary nudity and quite graphic sex scenes but they feel tacked on, almost pornlike and have no purpose in advancing the plot.

Dyanne Thorne does her best once again but I'd say this is for fans of the series only and even then you're likely to feel a bit let down.

The Good:

Great practical effects

Dyanne Thorne

The Bad:

I still don't get the Ilsa timeline (Or lack thereof)

Much of the technology is plain silly

Very weak finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

An electric whisk to the groin is truly the next level of torture

One day someone needs to explain to me what Ilsa is and how she keeps returning throughout different generations
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