4/20 Massacre (2018)
There's bad. Then, there's this.
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all in for horror of any kind. This sounded like a typical go-camping-and-get-killed sort of slasher movie ... there's a bunch of them out there. 4/20 is weird in that the acting isn't bad, it's shot and edited pretty well, the gore is fair, but it's boring!! Well, and rather dumb. Two biggest issues: one, 5 women. Unless there was a skinny dip scene (there wasn't) no sex. I'm sorry. A good B movie, slasher film needs nudity and sex. During the times between killings, the women just yap about dumb stuff. Sex and nudity would have filled the gaps better. Two, the soundtrack. Omg. There may as well been cartoon bongos for the running sound effect. Really dumb. Plot? 5 women go camping and encroach on a weed farm. The purveyors kill anyone who gets close. Okay. It wouldn't have been an issue, in my mind, had the ranger not told the women about it when they arrived! Stupid. No shock that the ranger was in on things. As always, there's a lone survivor who can't seem to be killed as easily as the others. The issue here is that she's no Sarah Connor, if you know what I mean. I give the movie 5 stars as the acting wasn't bad, there's gore, and the plot isn't senseless. It gets minus stars for no nudity, really bad music, and a heroine that can't even run like her life depends on it.
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