The latest Asylum rip-off
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
AVENGERS GRIMM: TIME WARS is the latest rip-off from The Asylum, at least for the time being; this one copies the big bucks Marvel flick INFINITY WAR. It's a sequel to an earlier AVENGERS GRIMM which I haven't seen, but I don't believe that I'm missing much. The story is small scale in the extreme, with a bunch of characters dressing up in Cosplay costumes and attempting to stop a madman from taking over the world. The twist is that the team of heroes is made up of various fairy tale related characters, such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Red Riding Hood. The bad guy is Rumpelstilskin. The dialogue is a little snappier than in some Asylum movies I've sat through, and there are a few amusing sequences, like the nod to ANTMAN, but overall this plays out much as you'd expect.
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