Superficial waste of time, all topics well worn in news and popular culture, no new ground
28 November 2018
Basically all cliches off the top of your head, mentions Asimovs law, never even dealing with the fact that it was merely a literary device made self evident by the stories themselves. Then its just cutting from topic to topic, 5 minutes on self driving teslas, 5 minutes on industrial robot accidents, 5 minutes on sex "bots", never delving into any topics or questions in depth of any kind. I guess this being left wing HBO, giving the actual relevant thorny topic of mass automation of millions of jobs while pushing mass importation of a new peasant class to replace them and cause chaos and distraction during the discontent anything more than a tangential mention would be hitting too close to the core hypocrisies of the modern corporate progressive left. Instead much time is spent on the usual media loving types who have made the rounds, the japanese guy with a "robot" of himself which is little more than 1960s grade disney "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" animatronics, an automaton with no intelligence, fake science for the "science is cool" crowd.
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