Crazy Rich Asian Mama is not Rich Yet
27 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Any Stewart movie is worth viewing and this one is no exception as Stewart works very hard with a challenging script to make this work. He nearly pulls it off though the lines in the script just are not real memorable. This is a rare picture of China being invaded by the Japanese in World War 2 and the issues of those fighting them.

There is a bit of romance here between Stewart and Lisa Lu (who was in Crazy Rich Asians this summer), though the romance is a low simmer based more on the situation than on sparks between the players. The issues of American relations with Chinese is addressed in many interesting ways.

The movie does play a bit long, but was so glad to check it out on Prime. It is a rarely played film and with a cast including Harry Morgan is a bit long though the action sequences are pretty well done in this black and white military drama. It poses complicated questions about the war relations with China which are rarely brought up. No Japanese appear in the film as they always seem to be one step out of range.
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