The Domestics (2018)
Not what I was expecting... in a good way
27 November 2018
Going into this film I was expecting it to go one of two ways. I figured it would either be along the lines of something like Mad Max. Or, it was going to be a ball's to the wall splatterfest, and really grab onto the over-the-top nature some of those apocalypse films of the past leaned toward. My pre-conceived notions about what this film was going to be, were very, very wrong.

I'm not 100% sure how I really feel about this film. While it has moments of both of the above-mentioned things I expected it really doesn't follow the guidelines of either of those tropes. This film felt more like a drama with action elements. In a way, it's a love story between the main characters and about their relationship. The other elements are secondary. Honestly, I was a bit thrown off by this.

The acting, FX, and score are all very well done. Everything fits together very nicely in those aspects. The story itself is interesting. It does at times feel a little bit too crammed into the runtime it was given. I think this is a rare case where the film could have been given another 20 minutes or so longer and benefited from it.

At the end of the day, I think this is a pretty solid film. It wasn't what I was expecting, but delivered enough to where I enjoyed it. This is without a doubt one of those films I'm going to need to watch a second time to really gauge how I really feel about it. I think if you go into it knowing it's not a ball's to the wall action film. It's a little slower paced at times you'll be okay with it. In the end, I think this is a nice change of pace when it comes to this sub-genre of action film.

My Rating 6/10
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