inFamous: Second Son (2014 Video Game)
4 years later I still replay it fairly often
27 November 2018
The first thing that has to be said about this - the voice acting is just superb. I don't have a single game on any platform that has better voice talent. Everything they do, the emotions, the tone, it all comes through brilliantly. The interplay between the two male leads is just a joy to hear.

Graphics - for 2014, this was amazing. Now being upscaled on my 4k HDR TV, it's still gorgeous. The little things make a huge difference. There are details that are fun to find, and no matter how many times I replay it, I seem to find something new.

Sound - immersion is fantastic. Even the ambient noises, falling rain, far off noises, it all is perfect for placing yourself in the action, whether over a dolby stereo or headphones.

The game can be repetitive, but what video game isn't? It's not the grind that Destiny is, though...

This game was the ONLY reason I purchased a PS4. I got the original Infamous from Sony for free after their security breech, and the timing was perfect since I had just finished it, and a week or so later Infamous 2 came out. I waited for this one, and while I was disappointed like many to not have Cole having somehow returned, the dialog, the voice acting, the story, it draws you in and you really come to like this guy. The character building is phenomenal here.

You can play both sides, the good and evil, and I've done both many times. There are some powers that work best as the evil though, and I miss those while I'm playing the good guy. And vice versa.

And I'm not kidding about replayability. I can't tell how many times I've played it. My son loves having me pass the controls to him to do the spray paint tagging And even that's nicely done, and taught me how so many things like that are even made. I never knew about the stencils and such...

Yes it's now nearly a 5 year old game. But despite my absolute love of Halo, and all the hours I have with it doing multiplayer with my son, this is still my favorite game to fall back on when I've finished whatever new pretty shiny was released... Soundtrack is awesome as well...
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