Review of Cam

Cam (2018)
Well done - Better than I expected
24 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't quite get where all of the terrible reviews are coming from. I guess if you need your movies tied up with a pretty red bow at the end, then you might not like this one. but if you like to have your thoughts provoked a bit, then definitely give this a watch. Personally, I 'got' the ending. I enjoy metaphors, and this story had a big one. But besides that...

1) Madeline Brewer is exceptional. She plays Alice/Lola perfectly.

2) The movie is visually well-done. It has a theme, which matches up with what I'm guessing a Cam Girls web site feels like, and carries it through really well.

3) It represents the whole adult-themed Cam Girl culture perfectly...just enough to communicate that it is naughty, without ever getting crude or relying on it's sexual theme to carry it.

The story keeps a fast pace, so it never gets dull or slow. Also, it does have a lot of the feel of a Black Mirror episode, just not quite as sophisticated in the story line. But then again, very few films do match up to BM when it comes to story lines.

Oh, and the metaphor? When Lola sold out and 'faked the big O' in her Vibatron show, she lost her own integrity of her real self (she says early on that she NEVER fakes 'it'), just to get herself into the top 50. The next morning she woke up and her identity was gone...stolen by some mystery culprit. When she fought to get it back by reverting back to being herself, she won it back.

Bottom line...this is a visually appealing, fast moving, grab your attention and keep it movie with a 10 star performance by Madeline Brewer (who I think in general is criminally underrated). It's better than a lot of the Netflix 'crank it out' movies.

Check it out...there are worse movies to spend your time with.
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