Just a slightly original remake
24 November 2018
If you've seen the original Italian film Perfect Strangers, this movie would seem like a cheap remake with a couple things that have been changed. However, if you haven't seen the original, it is a decent movie.

The movie starts off well enough, the characters trickle into the dinner party and during their meal they decide to play a game where everyone has to put their phones on the table and read aloud everything that comes up. The night then descends into chaos.

While the premise is decent, the message is a little heavy handed with characters saying what the audience should be left to determine.

The movie seems to drone on for a bit as things begin to unfold, but does pick up as the characters' secrets are revealed. The drama gets to be a little much, but nothing outside of modern cinema.

The ending itself would have been great if it was original. However, because this is a remake, I knew what was going to happen. And the audience doesn't have to find the message because the characters already did that for us.

That's why I gave this movie 7/10, most people probably have not seen the original, so it would come across as good. But for those of us who have seen it, it does not change enough in order for it to be anything else but a simple remake.
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