Ralph Breaks the Internet is more then web jokes. it's a funny and emotional story about friendship and being a proper friend
21 November 2018
Disney sequels are something that the company once tried, did for a while, and tried to sweep it up, trying to forget they ever happened. And now we're getting a sequel to Wreck it Ralph. So what does this mean for Disney? When people think about Disney sequels, they're referring to the direct to video movies that were made on a lower budget to continue milking the story further then it needs to. What surprises people is that some sequels like The Rescuers Down Under, Fantasia 2000, and Winnie the Pooh are sequels made by Disney Feature Animation (the direct to video movies were produced by Disneytoon) and were made with the same passion from before.

Like the other sequels, Ralph Breaks the Internet continues the story from before. The only difference is that rather then gaming, the jokes and setting deal with the Internet. There's no denying that the Internet has become a major part of society, changing the way we communicate. Like how movies, television, and video games have changed entertainment, the internet has added it's own stamp with web videos, viral memes, and social network stars. Much of these subjects are touched upon in Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Set six years after the events of Wreck it Ralph, Ralph (played by John C. Railly) and Vanellope (played by Sarah Silverman) seem to enjoy their lives within their arcade games of Fix it Felix Jr and Sugar Rush. Things go wrong when the Sugar Rush game becomes unplugged when an accident causes the real world steering wheel to break. Though the owner of the arcade Litwak (played by Ed O'Neill) finally gets a Wifi router, he can't find a replacement part and thinks it's time to get rid of the Sugar Rush machine. Ralph and Vanellope decide that they can go to the Internet to find that replacement part.

Unlike the arcade, which was just that, the internet is a vast metropolis with various buildings representing famous websites like Amazon, Instagram, IMDB, and many more. Ralph and Venallope find themselves at Ebay where they bid and win the right part, they need to get the money to pay for it. A spam bot (played by Bill Hader) leads them to an online game Slaughter Race, where they encounter a group of street gang racers lead by Shank (played by Gal Gadot). While there, Ralph ends up becoming a viral trend where he's encouraged by Yesss (played by Taraji P. Henson) to continue while Vanellope questions whether she even wants to go home. Oh, and they also encounter the Disney princesses.

When you bring the Internet as a setting, that's going to allow Ralph Breaks the Internet a lot of opportunity for jokes. Not only do they poke fun at the various online companies, but they even go after stuff I wasn't expecting Disney to do; popup ads, spam, violent games, dumb videos, and even the dark web are given a chance and each get a clever joke. I laughed a lot more then I thought I was going in.

The movie isn't just internet jokes. In fact, it builds on the previous movie's theme of existentialism by having the heroes question their roles not only in their games, but as they are as video game characters. If the last one was about Ralph, then much of the emotion goes to Vanellope who sees that life doesn't have to be a constant repeat of candy races. It has her question her place and even her friendship to Ralph. Of course, Ralph too has his own questions, such as what happens when his friend wants too leave and whether he can be too clingy.

All of this adds up to the movie's big climax in which I won't give away, but it does add up to the movie's title of "breaking the internet". It's both an impressive set piece and leads to an emotional realization. It's brilliant writing all around.

If I had to nitpick, it's on two things. First, it's internet jokes, while funny, do make me wonder how this'll hold up in ten years. I still feel like Wreck it Ralph will have a bigger place then this will. The other problem is that it's a shame that the characters of Felix and Sergeant Calhoun don't play bigger parts in their journey as I loved them from before. Why couldn't they have gone with them and experienced their own joys of the Internet? Oh well, at least they are in the movie.

I'll give this eight viral trends out of ten. Comparing this to the original is difficult as they feel like different stories. It has different agendas and different themes, and yet it doesn't. It'll help if you watch Wreck it Ralph first, but it's not completely needed to enjoy this. I think most people will find a lot to laugh, even if their not tech savvy. If anything, it might be funnier. Log in, go see it, and make it a trend.
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