This film deserves a serial killer Merit Badge!
18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We have all seen many 'is my neighbor a serial killer' films. This one brings the issue to the family forefront i.e. is my dad a serial killer. The cookie cutter, white bread, merit badge driven, church devoted father and son were way fun to watch. Does scout leader dad have a secret serial killer merit badge? The 'clue' fun starts very early on, its exact meaning unclear, and never lets up. Roles played to the 'T' by son Tyler/Charles Plummer a sweet innocent, church going scout, who meets perversion head. From there, things spiral in some beautiful non-predictable directions. Dad Don/ Dylan McDermott is a super savvy macho man, loving dad who might just a serial killer. Introduce the charming Madison Beaty playing Kassi who adds a needed level of mystery to the tale as she also spices up Tyler's life.

I am not big on flashbacks but here they work incredibly well. Just when we think we've missed seeing things.... a flashback appears to fill in the gaps.

One of the most interesting and satisfying end scenes I've seen in this type of film. Kudos to the screenplay writer.

This film is totally entertaining sans blood, guts and gore. Yet, evil lurks at every turn. Must see fun flick.
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