World Without End: A Crown Tested: Part 2 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 4
Average production!!!
16 November 2018
As it was a series and l didn't have watch none of others episodes, so l will write just for this one only, but somehow until a could see is about a fairly average production, without a glamour like Pillars on the Earth, Vikings, Rome and go on, nevertheless it is acceptable, the director Cathon Jones exposed a little bit of H-o-m-o s-e-x-ualism between the clergy in both sides, for me unnecessary to discuss in the scope itself, the most important of this picture is about the plague and their implications over dark ages, a lack of sex scenes is hard to understand in so usual in this kind, instead had a lot of unusual sex between new generation.... not for my taste really!!


First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25
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