SEAL Team: Outside the Wire (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
Not very accurate
16 November 2018
Writers John Glenn, Julian Silver, Reiss Clauson-Wolf, Mark Semos, Tereasa Huang, Kenny Ryan, Jacob Roman, really need to spend some time with Actual U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Teams, and then spend time with Actual U.S. Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Teams and Bravo (ODB) Teams.

Accuracy 3, U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s do not do "Long Term" Missions, as they are not Organized nor Equipped to do Long Term Missions, U.S. Army Special Forces Teams have the Operational Detachment Alphas (ODA) to conduct Missions, and a Operational Detachment Bravo (ODB) to provide Long Term Support to the Operational Detachment Alpha.

During our Temporary Duty Assignments to the FBI, DEA, CIA and other Agencies at Mexico, going outside the Military Base was a Courts Martial Offense with immediate Removal from Country back to the U.S., during Missions we were Required to wear Full Ballistic Face Masks including ballistic lens as not to be identified so that the Mexican Drug Cartel Families will not have the Illegal Alien Gangs at the U.S. target Us or our Families.

Being a Television Series, I do not count that this Series does not depict the actual brutality, butchering, done by the Mexican Drug Cartel Families at Mexico and the U.S. as would be rated R to X as beyond gruesome.

Wardrobe 2 most U.S. Navy S.E.A.L.s that I worked with will not wear short cargo pants, plaid shirts, T-shirts, and a baseball cap worn backwards and acting like some kind of "Fratboy", especially if they are in a position of Authority and Responsibility like U.S. Navy S.E.A.L. Team Leader, O-3, Officer.
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