Arrow: The Demon (2018)
Season 7, Episode 5
Let's Get Him Out Already
13 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't disappointed with the whole "Demon" reveal. Because I was let down and surprised to see if turn out to be Talia. Not that this show made his/her reveal to be something significant, but we are conditioned in the Arrowverse to anticipate big character/plot reveals after so many years of guessing from week to week.

With that said, I didn't mind the Talia material tonight, in fact, I feel like they gave her more to do in this one episode with Oliver than anything that happened in season 5. But most of all, she helped progress Oliver to get one step closer to being released and escaping. As I think all of us hoped, he wasn't going to escape and remain a fugitive, he will eventually be let out of prison because of what Dr. Parker was doing to the inmates. And admittedly, the prison stuff has run it's course so even with it being the most interesting material on a week to week basis, it's probably time to move on.

I'm also not going to pretend to have been paying much attention during the ARGUS stuff with Dig and Curtis. The show hasn't given me much reason to care about whatever is going on there, and putting Curtis undercover was definitely not the right way to increase my interest. Come to think of it, neither has the storyline between Dinah, Felicity, and Laurel. Let's face it, we're just waiting for Oliver to get out and the real Green Arrow to return.

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