Review of Waltz

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Waltz (1998)
Season 6, Episode 11
Good Study of Dukat
6 November 2018
Eventually, we get into a discussion of pure evil. Gul Dukat finds himself on a planet with Sisko, whom he has saved. Dukat is suffering a kind of nervous breakdown after the death of his daughter and the loss of DS9. What starts out with what appears a kind of compassionate, though reserved reconciliation, turns into Dukat's effort to use his advantage over Sisko (who has a severely damaged arm and other injuries from their crash). We realize quickly that they could be saved, but Dukat envisions a slow death for his adversary. As the story moves along, we see that Dukat has no compassion or empathy for the people he slaughtered--only disdain and fury. His daughter's death is really rather meaningless to him. I thought this was a pretty good episode.
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