Overrated, the books were better
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, the first few episodes of this show were actually quite good. It started promising and wasn't too bad. The songs were amazing, too. But then, after that, they started losing focus on the initial mission - we didn't even see any of them really go down to Earth/Wishworld to grant a wish (except in the Power of Twelve special and the songs, which aren't really accurate tbh), which is kind of bad because it's supposed to be the main focus of everything. There's nothing wrong with a few slice of life episodes now and then, but none of them really showed the actual wish missions. Plus, the characters felt like they were being reduced to stereotypes. Just look at Libby! (Nothing wrong with being girly, but they could have at least tried to show more of her character from the book) Also, the budget must have been pretty low, because Clover, Tessa, Adora, Piper, and Astra only got voices in Power of Twelve. Which brings us to my next point: POWER OF TWELVE. This finale would have been good. It would have actually been really, really good. IF DISNEY ADAPTED THE REST OF THE BOOKS LEADING UP TO IT. Seriously, it's unfair for people who haven't read the books or can't get access to them. Not to mention that it makes no sense starting off at Gemma's wish mission, the last in the initial SD series. If you're not going to adapt the rest, then you shouldn't ADAPT THE FREAKING FINALE. Also, Lady Cordial, who was the main villain, wasn't even in the show until Power of Twelve. (For people who haven't read the books, she was the shy, quirky head of admissions at Starling Academy.) So only people who've read the books can enjoy the finale. Thanks, Disney. Honestly, I feel that Star Darlings shouldn't have become a show at all if this is how they handled it. It feels like they dumbed it down to make it for younger kids. The show could have been handled way better instead of just making it like this. Love this show? Fine! I respect your opinion. But it really isn't that much like the books, so I don't consider this show to be canon. I'll give it a 5/10 rating, though, because A): The show and its episodes weren't really that bad, they just needed to focus more on the mission and less on trying to be like Monster High and Winx Club, B): The animation was good, in my opinion, and C): The voices they chose really fit the characters. All in all, this series was somewhat lower-than-average. It could have done better.
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