3 November 2018
I have not seen 'Rise of The Foot Soldier' but by all accounts it's an underrated crime thriller with a modest budget and a good cast. So I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I have watched The Fall of the Essex Boys - and it is terrible.

Anyone who has read a British 'True Crime' novel in the last twenty odd years knows the story about the Tate-Tucker-Rolfe triple murders in 1995. Despite the ''wink wink', 'true story' hints, this partly fictionalised account tells you nothing that you will not have already learned from the works of Wesley Clarkson or any of the preceeding films.

Three interchangeable, unpleasant bullies, rampage across Essex swearing (endlessly), punting drugs with no thoughts to the consequences, abusing steroids (and their partners), carve up innocent people, visit lap dancing clubs and sleep with 'brasses' until the bloody denoument in a Range Rover. There's zero character development, no coherent storyline. Wash, rinse and repeat for ninety minutes.

The actors playing the cops are actually quite convincing, despite the poor quality script and amateurish direction. The Essex Boys in question are absymally portrayed and totally lacking in any sympathy. You will struggle to stay awake.

In short, avoid at all costs.
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