Review of News Flash

The Flash: News Flash (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
Getting worse
31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I figured out why the show is getting such high marks in Season 5. Most fans have bailed and only the hardcore fanboys/girls are giving these stellar reviews. Season 4 was the pits, so anything that doesn't completely suck looks like The Godfather. This was easily the worst episode of the season and guess who the focus was? You guessed it, Iris 'The Virus' West-Allen. The entire episode was Iris begging for her daughter from the future, Nora '30-Year Old Teenager' West-Allen (she took her Mom's hyphenated married last name, who does that?) to like her. West-Allen the Younger is basically the only character on the show who Iris hasn't ruined with her mere presence so of course Iris just has to try and get somebody to actually like her. Oops, but the kid already DOES know Iris, or at least the older version of her, who based on this episode sounds a lot like the present version. So Iris' kid hates her and we finally find out why. Eh, I mean there's a million other reasons to hate her, but at least the kid has got solid instincts. It's about time someone exposed Iris for the awful person she actually is. And Candice Patton is obviously not taking acting lessons in between seasons. It's Season FIVE! I think it's about time to consider it.
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