Review of Cyborg

Cyborg (1989)
Cyborg: My brain hates me right now
28 October 2018
I'm not an action movie guy at the best of times but I consider the 80's/90's to be the best time for the genre. Sure many were cheesy as hell but they often had a certain charm about them, this doesn't.

Couple of interesting facts about Cyborg. First of all it began a franchise, many people don't realise as they aren't simply Cyborg 1, 2, 3 etc they merged into another film series and they're incredibly still going at time of writing.

Second Cyborg was originally supposed to be Masters of the Universe 2! That's right this was meant to be a sequel to the Dolph Lungren He-Man film but after it tanked at the box office they changed their minds. However a script was written, the production had already been prepped so they decided to make the movie anyway, changing some characters and make it R rated.

It tells the story of a wanderer in a post apocalyptic world, lost and alone after the death of his family he swears vengeance and etc etc etc. Very cliched cheesy stuff with a cyborg related side story that ultimately didn't even need to exist and contributes nothing to the movie.

What makes Cyborg really stand out is the acting, it's atrocious. I don't just mean Van Damme I mean everyone across the board. It has some of the most consistently awful acting I've possibly ever seen, Deborah Richter is adorable but can't act in the slightest and don't even get me started on the movies antagonist.

I hope the franchise get's better as I'll be binging it, I'll just say this is one for diehard action fanatics alone.

The Good:

I liked bit where the screen went black and all the peoples names appeared

The Bad:

Clean sweep of awful actors/actresses

Cliched to hell and back

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Bad guys don't brush their teeth

Acting ability is optional when casting for action movies
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