A great doc about one of horror's biggest Icons.
25 October 2018
I've been interested to see this since I first heard about. Kane is one of those Horror Icons that seems like an interesting guy. He's one of the best stuntmen in the business and been some of the biggest characters in horror like Jason Voorhees & Victor Crowley. I figured if anything it wouldn't be a dull watch. I'm a sucker for documentaries anyway. Combine that with my love of Horror and this was pretty much a no-brainer for me.

This was actually much more than I expected. It has a lot of heart. We learn a lot about Kane and how he came into acting/stunt work. The trials and tribulations he's gone through as well as the triumphs. There are loads of interviews with members of the horror community, friends and Kane himself.

I don't want to spoil anything so I will leave it at that. Even if you're not a big horror fan it's worth a watch. A must see for those of us who are horror junkies. It's a damn interesting view. We get a glimpse into the life of one of the people most synonymous with the genre. It's touching, funny, and as I said, has a lot of heart.

My Rating: 8/10
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