Review of Ommegang

Deutschland 86: Ommegang (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
24 October 2018
At the End of World War 2, the United States (U.S.), British, French, U.S.S.R., Canadian, Federal Republic of West Germany, German Democratic Nation of East Germany had their Military Intelligence Agents, Intelligence Agencies Agents all over the Federal Republic of West Germany. This was especially true at the Federal Republic of West Germany's side of Berlin.

At West Berlin there was a Strassenbahn that went from the Federal Republic of West Germany's side of Berlin to the German Democratic Nation of East Germany's side of Berlin and back to the Federal Republic of West Germany's side of Berlin.

Almost all U.S. Military Personnel and their Dependents were under Special Surveillance at the Federal Republic of West Germany, especially at West Berlin.

Almost laughable, as the U.S., British, French, Canadians, West Germans, did not coordinate their Special Surveillance, with their Intelligence Agents, Military Intelligence Agents all following one person under Special Surveillance.

As far as what happened at Africa, nearly 100% accurate as what Democracy actually is, as what the German Democratic Nation of East Germany Agents were, were doing, as well as their Government. "Democracy is great, until you run out of other peoples money". As the U.S., West Germany are Republics, U.S. Constitution's Required "a Republican Form of Government", the U.S.S.R.'s Warsaw Pact Nations were Democracies and North Korea is a Democracy.
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