Butterfly (2018)
All the 1 star negative reviews prove Butterfly is needed!
23 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers

It is sad to see so many uninformed negative reviews filled with ignorance and intolerance on here, simply because the reviewers don't know any better. This lack of compassion and understanding shows very clearly WHY a show like Butterfly is so necessary.

And some of these 1 star reviewers admit they didn't even watch the show, they just have an uncontrollable need to badmouth anything counter to their own ignorant views! Wow!

After episode 1 I was a huge fan. Now that I've seen episode two I'm feeling a tad frustrated with Mum's frenzied running off to Boston with Maxine. Doesn't tell Dad, doesn't tell daughter or anyone else, doesn't even call the Boston clinic for an appointment (which might be months away, if available at all), no, just ups and takes off in a mad dash for help.

Yes, for sure, that's the sane, rational way to get help for your child! I felt so disheartened by her rash, foolish, impulsive -- dare I say STUPID -- action that I may not continue watching. Sanity has left the building, along with some viewers, I hazard a guess, and may never return. Too bad. She was doing quite well, apart from her immature jealous sniping at her husband.

Regardless of all that, though, Butterfly is covering a very important topic that, very obviously, needs more public awareness. Proof is everywhere in the 1 star reviews on this board.
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