Thriller: An Attractive Family (1962)
Season 2, Episode 15
I don't think these are particularly nice folks!
22 October 2018
The Farrington family certain is unique...and not especially nice. After Dick Farrington makes some bad investments, the family needs money and to get it, they marry and then kill their partners for the insurance! You see them kill a few folks during the course of the show...but can only assume there must have been others. Much of the episode concerns Dick dating his dead wife's sister (Joyce Bulifant) and her brushes with death.

There are a couple technical problems with the plot...although it's an otherwise excellent show. First, if you have spouse after spouse in a family die of 'accidents' like the Farringtons, there's bound to be a criminal investigation and the insurance companies won't just keep paying off. Second, the final murder is one which CANNOT be collected on with insurance, as the family is trying to make it look like a suicide...and policies simply won't pay if you kill yourself. Nevertheless, it's STILL a cool and exciting episode...and well worth seeing.

By the way, if you like this creepy plot, there's a similar one with the old "Hawaii Five-O" about a family that travels the globe killing folks ("One Big Happy Family"). Talk about family values!
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