Paranoia and Madness
21 October 2018
When his wife leaves him during a tour, the rock star Pink Floyd (Bob Geldof) becomes paranoid and mad, building a wall between the world in his mind and the real world. The process has begun when he was a child and loses his father in the war, missing him. His overprotective mother and the repressive education at school help to build the insanity process. Now he becomes a violent dictator and goes on trial in his mind, and tries to destroy the wall he built.

"The Wall" is a depressive and touching film by Roger Waters from The Pink Floyd and directed by Alan Parker. The screenplay is fantastic and each time the viewer sees this film, he or she will certainly discover new details that have not paid attention. The cast is excellent, highlighting the presence of the cult-actress Jenny Wright in the role of a groupie. The outstanding music score by Pink Floyd completes this masterpiece. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Pink Floyd - The Wall"
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