Kids may get caught up in the film, Adults maybe not
18 October 2018
OK we have a WW II era B-29 bomber piloted by Elliot Gould contains a few farm animals, a missionary and a couple of real bothersome stowaway kids. Oh Gould's character hates kids and animals and he's not too fond of the missionary. You have elements of Castaway, The Flight of the Phoenix, and Father Goose. Gould is playing the MASH Gould with the wisecracks and disgust for everything he comes upon, his interplay with the missionary Genevieve Bujold is much like Father Goose's Cary Grant with Leslie Caron. This Noah's Ark never tells us where it was supposed to go it does however run out of fuel crashlanding o a small Pacific island. Of course no one is on the island other than the required Japanese soldiers from WW II who have never been told the war is over. The collection of people, animals on the islands provides all the elements of the story. The film drags on is amazingly predictable with miscast Gould. You can think of 100 other actors who would have been more believable.
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