End Game (2018)
Dying is a part of life
17 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"End Game" is a new 2018 documentary short film produced by and for Netflix and this one runs for 40 minutes approximately. This was made by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman and if you take a look at the former's history with the Oscars, there is no denying that this film is a definite contender for the Best Documentary Short Film Oscar at the upcoming ceremony. The subject is fitting too. It feels touching and relevant. We get an insight into the life inside a hospice where patients spend the last remaining days of their lives when they know death is near. There was one really touching example/quote for me when we hear a woman talking about a routine check-up and they find that her uterus was full of cancer. So it is a pretty depressing watch and the statement I mentioned in the title of my review is tough to really see in here, to see anything positive or uplifting to this documentary. But still, it is good this was made as the people depicted in here may be gone now, but they live on in our memories and yes sadly basically everybody (who is not a doctor, nurse or visitor) shown in here is dead now. There's talk about crucial decisions if it is better to take the dying person home and stop her suffering or to believe in the truly minimal chance for healing, even if it means a lot more pain for the patient and dying outside the place they've loved for years, maybe decades. So I think this could be a good Oscar winner. I would not say it was a really great watch, but it reminds us of the fugaciousness of everything, most of all our own lives, in moments where we really are not thinking too much about this subject. It was easy to feel the patients' pain and the pain of their dear ones. Go watch this one and prepare some towels if you do so. Thumbs-up from me. Not too far from my personal list of best documentaries 2018.
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