We all have hearts, albeit of different kinds.
16 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
No. This movie is not mainly about death. Please just think of it as a transition, like that of a buddhist kind of view of the after life - but with a twist!

And that - in combination with an absolutely hauntingly beautiful film music - is what makes this movie so great. That's in spite of the most laughable so called special effects a childrens cinema have ever produced. The Katla creature is beyond comedy, but what does it matter, when the weight of the story seeps into your feelings and you just cannot hold back the tears?

The actors, the photography, the overall story of standing up to love, solidarity and morality when it matters the most, the magical music score... MAN! It all just conveys such a life-long memory of thoughts and feelings.

And by that I mean for all kinds of people, of all ages and of all different nations. See this with open eyes, and see it with the children who has such clarity of heart. It is what Astrid Lindgren wanted to say: love eachother with a childlike love and you will always be warmed by it. Stand against militaristic, murderous darkness, and be there for everyone. Even the evil ones. Because they also have a heart, even if it is a different one from the loving ones.
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