Sew the boredom to my skin!
10 October 2018
This movie is a combination of lazy script writing with a good art direction. After 10 minutes you can easily start to think; am I watching a soap opera or a movie? From very beginning of this movie you have to deal with eye staring contest because according to director during 50's South Africa everybody communicated through their eyes.

This contest of course is not the only problem about this movie, I understood that he wanted to use caricature characters to describe fascist white people however when you combine this with a bad sound effects, which you can freely contrast batons' sounds with cartoons, the result becomes intolerable. Also director used the oldest trick in the book which is starting movie with the ending. When you evaluate this trick with the usage of timeline during the movie, it doesn't work. Even uneducated eyes can understand events don't follow each other. There is a constant error on synchronicity.

I am sure this country has lots of good and deep stories on racial issues from especially apartheid era but this movie is not the best example to bring those stories into life.
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