Johnny Sokko---a nice flashback to my childhood
9 October 2018
For anyone who remembers this low-budget but entertaining '60s era Japanese sci-fi kids' show being shown in the early '80s, it's currently being shown on the new sci-fi digital channel CometTV at noon in the daytime, and 3:00 a.m. at night time. I first saw this show as a monster-movie loving ten year old who'd already seen a good number of Godzilla films, and grew up seeing that other popular Japanese sci-fi kids' show Ultraman, so I was all for watching this. It came on right after I came home from school--perfect time to watch it, and see some cool monsters five days a week, when the Godzilla flicks wouldn't come on until the weekend. Yeah, it looks cheap and the special effects are outdated by today's standards, but the weird as hell looking villains, the even stranger-looking monsters, the cute Unicorn agent U3, the giant flying robot, and the adorable little pint-sized hero Johnny Sokko made up for it. Nice trip down memory lane it you can catch it.
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