Dancing Queen (2018)
My intro to Alyssa Edward's and Beyond Belief Dance Co. With Justin Johnson
8 October 2018
I chose Dancing Queen on Netflix because I love music and dance. I was so intrigued and amazed that I watched Season 1 from begining to end and was left wanting more. Justin shows such dedication and love to his young up and coming dancers in the studio. What a pleasure to watch. Justin truly has heart. And when Justin is on stage as Alyssa Edward's his performance is spell bounding. I LOVED HER.. I saw two different people and fell in love with both.What a performer...talented, beautiful, real. I hope that Dancing Queen returns for a second season with others to follow. I am totally enamored with both Justin and Alyssa...may the show go on! And On!..and on...and on...love you, girl...huge fan, Zona D. (Ga. Girl...)
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