Chicago P.D. (2014– )
4 October 2018
Used to really enjoy this show. Born and raised in IL, it is nostalgic to watch these Chicago shows. However, it is disconcerting to watch characters in the show who claim to have love and loyalty to "their" city evidently do not live or talk to anyone from Chicago. For example if he were actually interacting with people from here Voight would know it is sacrilege to berate Chicago pizza, especially being from NY and knowing there has been a long standing friendly but serious rivalry between the two cities when it comes to things like sports and food preferences. In one episode he referred to pop as soda, later asked spomeone to give someone "a pop" instead of "some pop." Giving someone a pop could be misconstrued as hitting, like he gave him a pop in the mouth. His slip ups with terms used from NY make his character as Chicago native seem fake to anyone who actually is from here. It used to be enjoyable to watch them discuss streets and areas of Chicago I am familiar with, like where I lived in East Rogers Park and worked downtown. People refer to public transportation as the El, not the L train, which is an entirely different thing. If an actor cannot get even simple local language right, why not replace them with actors actually from this city?
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