Review of Steel

Steel (I) (2015)
OK flick with interesting plot
2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the set-up: Daniel, played by Chad Connell, is a successful TV career anchor who suddenly finds himself in a panic disorder. What is happening? Then comes along the mysterious but most sexy Alexander. Alexander takes control of Daniel's life (slowly) and by movie's end ole Daniel is back to his normal self.

Here's my interpretation of the plot.- Daniel is crushed emotionally in a midlife crises and he regrets his lost youth and all it could have offered him because he focused himself on his career and suppressed his emotions. Alexander is Daniel's imaginary self and what he wishes it to have been in his lost youth. The sex scenes are just Daniel's masturbation to what he thinks he could have been.

At plots end Alexander disappears because ole Daniel has come to terms with himself and realize youth is gone and it's best to get on with his life.

As I stated it's just my interpretation of the movie. So la-te-da !
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