Hit the nail on the head
2 October 2018
Given current events being focused on a 1980s "prep school" year book, people should probably see this movie.

I grew up around people like the characters in this movie and I stay in touch with many of them because they are my closest friends. People like to tear down generation x but consider that there collective psyche was formed by the fast-paced, cocaine fueled, music video culture of filmmaking I think this movie hits the nail on the head!

We were truly "latch key kids", kids who did whatever they pleased when adults were not paying much attention.

"The middle of X" shows a reflective, and recovering generation of people in a raw and real way. The ending makes a statement that there may still be hope for us so ling as they don't define us by our yearbooks.

I have not read Mark Judge's "Wasted, Tales of a Gen X Drunk" but I'd guess it is not too different from this movie. Most people might not care but they should because we are the people raising the next generation while the Baby Boomers and Millennials are not paying any attention.
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