The Good Place: Everything Is Fine (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
An Auspicious Beginning
2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot of The Good Place begins with the newly deceased Eleanor (played by Kristen Bell) arriving in the afterlife. (Or at least her version of the afterlife). We quickly learn there is the juxtaposed good/bad afterlife destinations which are prevalent across the world's many different religions and beliefs. A brief dump of exposition from Ted Danson informs us of the world we are being introduced with. Every action you take on Earth gives a score. To end up in The Good Place, you must finish your life with a positive margin. Luckily Eleanor ended up upstairs. But there is one problem...Eleanor shouldn't be here. She was mixed-up and should currently be in hell. Now her and her "soul-mate" must figure out a way to keep her from the bad place. Can she learn to be a good person like the other residents?

It's interesting that NBC would put out a show like this. I never really consider them cutting edge or risk-takers. Anytime someone brings the concept of religion, heaven/hell, and the afterlife as the main focal point to a show, they're asking to stir up controversy. But here (in the pilot episode at least), I think this show deals with it well. They brush aside the issue of "who was right" and give a little bit of credit to all the world's religions. It doesn't name a winner and risk alienating parts of its audience. Instead, it takes a more universal approach. I'm sure this will still upset some out there but you can't please everyone out there, especially when a show has a premise like this.

But the pilot is a good introduction to a concept with a lot of potential. Danson is lovely as always and it's nice to see Bell getting her own center-stage project. The supporting cast doesn't get too much screentime to start off but feel promising as well. This is something I will definitely continue to watch.
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