Lost Fare (2018)
An Interesting premise. Yet, falls short.
28 September 2018
Part autobiography, part morality tale, this coming of age "life as a pre - teen prostitute" story has all the familiar elements audiences have come to expect from similar films.

For example...

A down on his luck loner takes an at risk youth under his wing on a quest to seek redemption in a from their penury existence in a world filled with hatred, murder and revenge.

As they embark on their journey, the question ultimately arises as to "who is saving who?"

That is where the comparisons end.

There are many story components to the film that have promise, unfortunately the lack of verisimilitude in the world created, coupled with underwhelming cinematic craftsmanship undermines a competant cast who labor under the burden of one dimensional characters unjustly enslaved by stagnant and well worn expositional dialogue.

The film's saving grace is the interaction between actors Alexis Rossinsky and Aaron Hendry who manages to forge a believable performances out of some challenging material dealing with difficult subject matters.
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