Night School (2018)
Same thing Kevin Hart has been doing for many years now
27 September 2018
Kevin Hart is a very talented and hardworking guy. He deserves all the success that he has in his life. He is a cool guy and looks like someone you can hangout with and have a good time with. I want to get that out of the way.

This movie, I think is not great. Kevin Hart is taking advantage of his status right now by being in as many movies as possible, making as much cash as possible, and hopefully do it as long as he can. This is just another typical Kevin Hart movie (think Ride Along 2). There is just not a lot of new things that Kevin Hart does in this. He continues to make small jokes (something he has been doing for over a decade now), make these goofy and silly expressions, and follow a particular story path. It is not really funny, and the jokes go on and on to the point you feel kinda bad for the actors. It makes you cringe.

This is about a man who has been living a lie, and he decides that he is finally going to get the education that he never got. He goes to night school, at first he doesn't take it serious but the teacher there tries her best to encourage him to work hard, "comedy" ensures, and everything ends happy.

Once again I do like Kevin Hart. Some of his standup is really funny. It is just that he has been doing the exact same thing for years now and I think if he continues, he will eventually end up like Eddie Murphy, where people seem to forget that he was a great comedian at some point in his life because they have such a bad taste from his crappy movies. I hope Kevin can make as much money as he can man, because if he makes 2 or 3 more of these same films, it might eventually backfire on him and he may end up losing fans.

This movie is really not funny, but if you are a big fan of Kevin Hart and love his same usual facial expressions that he has been doing in all of his movies, you will like this and probably the next 2 or 3 of these movies that we know will be happening. If you are looking for Kevin Hart to change and improve, well this isn't the movie for you.

Imagine if Jim Carrey never did Truman Show or Eternal Sunshine and just continued doing what he did in Liar Liar, he would have disappeared quick. Jim showed us that he can do more than just the same funny faces and sound. He showed us that he was capable of doing something great. You need to show range.

I know the concept "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is probably what Kevin Hart is doing with his recent movies, but there is a point that it will break. When that happens it will be very difficult to fix it. Eddie Murphy's career never really recovered from Pluto Nash and Norbit. Mike Myers committed career suicide with Love Guru. Kevin Hart is talented but he really needs to start doing something new every once in a while. We are at a point where we can actually create a list of bad Kevin Hart films. He has made that many films now.

Nothing against Kevin but this is not a good nor funny movie.

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