Horribly Disappointed
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We've all waited months for this Netflix release. unfortunately, I hated it. I fell asleep on it 3 times. Lynn Whitfield who was AMAZING in "Women of Brewster Place", "Jospehine Baker Story", even "Thin Line Between Love and Hate is overly typecast as the bourgeois mother who is BITCH and is never happy with the lower social class man her daughter falls in love with (°Greenleaf", "Made a Family Reunion", "Happily Ever After". Ricky Whittle was underutilized big time in this role....I mean come on, "American Gods".While I loved Ernie Hudson as always, Sanaa was missing "something" in this movie too me. her role felt way too similar to her Kenya McQueen in "Something New". and while I like Lyric Bent, they had zero chemistry. He would have been great with Grace from Greenleaf...or someone, but I just wasn't into them as a couple. His little girl was annoying and I found it hard to believe that she and Violet would still see each other socially after her Dad and Violet cooled things off. This movie felt cheap. Sanaa did not bring her A game at all. I loved that she went bald and natural for this movie and I could relate to the high and lows of emotions she felt during her big chop, but other than tgat...this movie did nothing for me. At all. Lynn Whitfield ruined it for me and the guy from "Sister sister" could have been played by anyone else. Sorry Sanaa and Netflix, y'all missed the mark with this one for me.
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