26 September 2018
Two hours for showing four years of the french bloody Revolution, Pierre Schoeller had to make some difficult choices : he decided to show the little people from the streets (having a stone in the belly) meeting and fighting the rich political figures (having how many roasts in the belly?). And most important, he shows women strongly speaking in assemblies. The casting is astounding, all the actors play with high energy and are possessed (Denis Lavant as Marat of course, and also Adèle Haenel unforgettable, and Laurent Lafitte as Louis XVI is imposing). The cinematography and editing are virtuoso (destruction of tower letting people from the streets having sun light, massacre of the Champ de Mars, execution of Louis XVI, ...). The original soundtrack is also attractive. I read in papers "Un Peuple et son Roi" is a failure, it's wrong, it's awful good, all the ending is gripping. Bravo, I wish success.
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