Duck Duck Goose (I) (2018)
Three Words: "What, A, Mess"
25 September 2018
I didn't want to see this movie at all, it looks so bland and unfunny, even if it stars some people I know, it doesn't matter all that much, I gave it a skip anyways and thankfully so, i heard lots of people didn't like it and thank goodness for that, but I did decide to give it a chance yesterday, even though I know it won't be that good and........... BOY WAS I RIGHT!?, this is the most blandest, unpleasant and uninspiring film I ever had to sit through this year and that's coming from someone who saw Sherlock *coughs* Gnomes and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again....

The film is about a goose named Peng (Jim Gaffigan) who's always considered the "funny guy", always causing trouble and especially when he separates this two ducklings from a herd, Chi (Zendaya) and Chao (Lance Lim) and Peng has to try and help these two find their group in a journey before a evil predator eats, along with comic reliefs and sooooo much filler, wow.... it tries waaaay too hard to be funny and trying to keep the film's attention, it never does anything clever or funny, it's just by the numbers and you know what will happen, it never got engaging or interesting..... well maybe a little near the end since it's when the tone changes and the movie does get a little better.... but that's not much, it feels so childish and no effort was put into it, that it has literally nothing to offer!.

The animation is the only decent thing about this film, granted it does look pretty good, nice backgrounds and some good character designs, along with a pretty decent atmosphere and that's fine, but the movie looks so generic and bland and not all that well rendered that it looks like a Straight-to-DVD sort of movie and that's what it feels like when looking at it, not much that stands out about, it just looks like a average looking animated film that has no good quality to it, but like I said before, it has a touch of talent and it looks decent at times, but it's not that good of animation at all.

The characters are just some bland tropes, Peng is the main character who is reaaaaaally unlikeable and I never liked him at all, kind of like Surly but ten times worse, sure he will be nicer later on, but he has no redeeming quality and is not at all funny, the two ducklings Chi and Chao are a tad interesting, while Chi was fine, Chao was reeeeally annoying, I couldn't stand him at all , the other characters like the love interest, the strict father, the rooster, the hen, the two comic reliefs voiced by Stephen Fry and Craig Ferguson I wish were funny because them two agave been really funny and good in other stuff, not here however, the villain is properly the only one that actually has a personality, he can be threatening at times and kind of fun, but not much from him, even the voice acting is just pretty obnoxious, Jim Gaffigan and Zendaya are the only ones that actually do a good job, even though Gaffigan is better then the third Hotel Transylvania and hopefully Zendaya will be great in the upcoming Smallfoot, but I think they are pretty good with the voices, everyone else barley put any good effort in and sound like they are somewhat bored, even firggin' Stephen Fry is not great here and that's a really shame because I always like Stephen Fry, the characters are so bland and forgettable that I don't remember anyone and makes it even worse with the voice acting.

Yeah...... this movie is pathetic, properly even worse then the Nut Job, but it's close to being as bad as the Emoji Movie, with a generic plot, bland looking animation and dull characters with bad voice acting, this movie was just unpleasant and annoying to get through, I'll give it that the animation is decent, Chi and the villain are a tad interesting and I like Gaffigan and Zendaya's performance, but that's not enough to say this is good, I don't recommend this movie at all, show your kids something better, but don't watch this..... it's better to leave it to rot in the underworld.

Of course this movie gets a 1/10, better to leave it at a 1 then a 5.6...
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