Humanoid Tomato Warriors
24 September 2018
This film essentially begins with the actual creator of the killer tomatoes (from the last movie) named "Professor Gangreen" (John Astin) determined to continue his attempt at nothing less than world domination. But this time he has improved upon his research and now has a technique which can turn ordinary tomatoes into humanoid warriors. In addition to these tomato men warriors he has also created a beautiful assistant named "Tara Boumdeay" (Karen Mistal) who obeys his every command. But that changes one day when she discovers Professor Gangreen attempting to destroy one of his tomato projects. Because of this she runs away to be with a young man by the name of "Chad Finletter" (Anthony Starke) who works in a pizzeria for his uncle "Wilbur Finletter" (J. Stephen Peace) who happens to be the hero of the previous "Tomato Wars". And then the action really begins. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film was much better than its predecessor due in large part to the improved humor and somewhat imaginative plot. Likewise, having an attractive actress like Karen Mistal certainly didn't hurt either. Unfortunately, the low-production values inhibited this film to a certain degree and because of that I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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