The Sinner (2017–2021)
Watch past the second episode
23 September 2018
First I have to address all those who are saying this series is "predictable" after watching only one or two episodes- it absolutely is not. It becomes easier to guess the true story towards the 7th episode, but the ending is not what you think. Yes, Cora does come from a very religious family which probably had a hand in causing a lot of her issues, but the religion is not the focus. This series actually shows a side of kids rebelling against strict religious beliefs that isn't often portrayed. It's very interesting, but it's not predictable. That being said, I expected something entirely different when I began this series. The selling point is that it explores the reasons why people kill for seemingly no reason, and going into this I thought I would be getting something more along the lines of Mindhunter. While The Sinner also employs an offbeat agent of the law who does things his own way, that's about where the similarities end. The Sinner is a tragedy. It's filled with symbolism and background psychology. It tells the story of Cora, a young girl who had a lot happen to her, and the effects of that later in life. The parallel between Cora and Harry, in terms of their guilt complexes, is intriguing. I know some didn't like learning of Harry's sexual deviance, but for me that helped flesh out his character and explained why he was going to such lengths to get Cora's backstory. Every detail of this show is important and integral to the story. You have to pay attention. This is definitely a series you'll have to watch again- there are hundreds of little clues and twists that reveal themselves only at the end. The Sinner is a slow burn, but it doesn't leave you bored and uninterested. It moves at just the right pace to make you nervous, make your heart race. In some ways, it is similar to Twin Peaks, without the supernatural element.
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